If you feel like discovering a new favorite channel -- check out today's "trending" channels!

Artist: The Sex Pistols

The following channels include songs by The Sex Pistols

Alternative Rock Classics

Classic Alternative rock with a '90s-era focus

Punk and Hardcore

You are a punk rocker. 70s and 80s Punk and Hardcore

Vintage Violence

Classic '70s & '80s Indie, Punk, Garage, Psych, Post-Punk, and No Wave

100 Greatest Rock Guitar Songs

A celebration of the songs ruled by an axe.

In Memoriam

500 songs from artists whose absence is as profound as their contributions

Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time

For the first time in 17 years, Rolling Stone completely remade their list of the best songs ever...

Classic Rock Album Cuts

Great songs you may not have heard for a while (or have yet to discover)

Gone But Not Forgotten

In remembrance of classic rockers who've gone before us...

Maximum Coverage

Artists pay tribute to the great songs of others. You many not even have realized that all of the...

Critics' Picks: Top Songs of the '70s

Derived from hundreds of critics' lists of the best music of the decade

This Is Music: 1976

A time capsule of music released in 1976, when a 2-liter bottle of Coke set you back 69-cents!

60 Songs That Saved Bono's Life

A channel inspired by U2 frontman Bono's list of songs important to his life and artistic develop...

Protest Music: The Fury

Righteous anger and thirst for justice crystallized into hip hop and rock. (STRONG LANGUAGE WARNI...

Sound of Scorsese

The iconic songs that accompany the powerful scenes of Martin Scorsese films. Tune in, or GO HOME...

Rolling Stone's Greatest Songs of All Time: '60s & '70s

From the 2021 edition of Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time, a subset of Classic Rock...

Product Placers

Brand names set to music, including "Cadillac Ranch", "Versace on the Floor", "Kodachrome", and m...

House Blend: Heavy Metal Guitar Heroes + 100 Greatest Rock Guitar Songs

Rocking guitar, and even rocking-er guitar!

House Blend: Lost '70s + Rolling Stones Greatest Songs of the '60s & '70s

A mix of songs that sit on a pedestal with tracks buried on the floor of your closet.

Les Paul = More Rock

Jimmy Page, Slash, Duane Allman and other rock players who made the Gibson Les Paul iconic


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